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1. What are Akashic Records 

According to Edgar Cayce, also known as the “Sleeping Prophet,” Akashic records have been referred to as a spiritual or cosmic library that contains the collective knowledge and experiences of all souls throughout time. Every soul has its own record within the Akashic Records and it contained information about the soul's past lives, its current life's purpose and challenges, as well as potential future paths. Accessing one's Akashic Record could provide insights into one's spiritual journey and life lessons. Akashic Records could be a source of healing and personal transformation and it helps one to identify the root causes of physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments and work toward healing and personal growth. According to Linda Howe, who is a well-known author and teacher on the subject of the Akashic Records, the Akashic Records are an energetic archive or "library" on a non-physical plane containing a record of every thought, emotion, action, and experience of every soul that has ever lived, including information about past lives, current life lessons, and potential future paths. Accessing the Records can help individuals identify and release blockages, patterns, and limitations that may be holding them back in their spiritual and personal growth.

2. What can I learn from my Akashic records ?

Your records hold information about your past lives, including experiences, lessons, and relationships from previous incarnations. This information can provide insights into recurring patterns in your life. It also has information about your current life including your thoughts, emotions, actions, and experiences. This can offer a deeper understanding of your life's journey and choices. The records also reveal your life's purpose and the lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime. Accessing the Records may provide clarity on your career, relationships, and personal growth. The Akashic Records are considered a source of profound spiritual wisdom. Accessing them can offer insights into your spiritual path, your connection to the divine or the universe, and your potential for spiritual growth. The concept of karma is often associated with the Akashic Records. They are believed to hold information about your karmic relationships, connections with other souls, and the karmic debts and blessings you carry. Akashic Records can offer glimpses of potential future paths and outcomes based on your current choices and energy patterns. However, the future is not fixed, and these glimpses are considered possibilities rather than certainties. Accessing the Akashic Records is often seen as a tool for personal growth and self-awareness. It can help you better understand your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

3.  What is the difference between Akashic records and Past Life regression ?

Akashic Records are cosmic spiritual library containing the collective knowledge, experiences, and wisdom of all souls throughout time. It can be accessed through deep meditation, prayer or invocation or other metaphysical practices to gain insights. uidance, and understanding about one's life purpose, challenges, and spiritual journey. It is often sought for personal growth, healing, and self-awareness. It is not limited to not limited to past lives but encompass a broader range of information, including current life experiences and potential future paths. Past Life Regression is a therapeutic technique that focuses specifically on uncovering and reliving past-life experiences that may be influencing an individual's current life. It is often used as a form of regression therapy. It is typically facilitated by a trained therapist or practitioner who guides the individual into a relaxed and suggestible state of consciousness. It helps explore and address unresolved issues, traumas, or patterns from past lives that may be affecting the individual's current life. It focuses exclusively on past lives and the experiences associated with them. It does not generally provide information about an individual's current life purpose or future paths.

4.What is the difference between Akashic records and Tarot Reading ?

Akashic Records are cosmic spiritual library containing the collective knowledge, experiences, and wisdom of all souls throughout time. It can be accessed through deep meditation, prayer or invocation or other metaphysical practices to gain insights. Guidance, and understanding about one's life purpose, challenges, and spiritual journey. It is often sought for personal growth, healing, and self-awareness. It is not limited to not limited to past lives but encompass a broader range of information, including current life experiences and potential future paths. Tarot Reading involves the use of a specific deck of cards (the Tarot deck), each with symbolic imagery and meanings. Tarot Readers interpret these cards to provide insights and guidance. Readings are conducted by shuffling and drawing cards from the deck using various methods and spreads and are primarily used for gaining insights into specific questions or situations providing guidance on various aspects of life, including love, relationships, career, and personal development. Tarot is often associated with divination and fortune-telling. Tarot Readings focus on the present and immediate future. While some practitioners may use Tarot to explore past influences or patterns, the primary emphasis is on the current circumstances and the potential outcomes of a situation.

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5. What type of questions can I ask when i request a reading ?

When asking questions to the Akashic Records, it's important to approach the process with an open heart and mind, and to be prepared to receive guidance and insights in a way that resonates with your own intuition and inner wisdom. Here are some example questions you can ask the Akashic Records: Keep your question framed to What, How and Why and you would get an accurate reading. 1. Life Purpose and Direction: - "What is my life purpose, and how can I align with it more fully?" - "What career or vocation would bring me the most fulfillment and success?" - "What steps can I take to live a more meaningful and purpose-driven life?" 2. Relationships: - "What can I learn from my past relationships, and how can I improve my current ones?" - "What is the purpose of my connection with [person's name]?" - "How can I attract and nurture a healthy, loving partnership?" 3. Health and Well-being: - "What can I do to improve my physical, emotional, and mental well-being?" - "Are there any specific health issues I should be aware of or focus on?" - "What is the root cause of my current health challenges, and how can I address them?" 4. Personal Growth and Development: - "What limiting beliefs or patterns are holding me back, and how can I release them?" - "What lessons can I learn from my current challenges or obstacles?" - "How can I overcome my fears and become the best version of myself?" 5. Spirituality and Soul Growth: - "What spiritual practices or paths are most aligned with my soul's journey?" - "How can I deepen my connection with my higher self and the divine?" - "What is the significance of my spiritual experiences or dreams?" 6. Future Possibilities: - "What potential opportunities or paths are opening up for me in the near future?" - "What challenges or obstacles might I encounter, and how can I navigate them effectively?" - "What steps can I take to create a more positive and abundant future?" 7. Karmic Insights: - "What karmic lessons or debts am I currently working through?" - "Are there karmic connections with specific individuals that I should be aware of?" - "How can I balance or resolve my karmic energies in a positive way?" 8. Personal Guidance: - "Is there a message or guidance from my higher self or spirit guides that I need to hear?" - "What should I focus on right now to align with my highest good and purpose?" - "How can I strengthen my intuition and inner guidance?"

6. How will my reading be done ? Do I have to be present for the same ?

You do not need to be present for the reading. However, post the reading if you need to have a chat, you can connect with me over a voice or a video call as per your convenience. 1) You can book a session with me by sending me the following details. 2) Your legal full name. Gender Location where you are at currently 3 questions related to your concerns 3) Your photo an email declaration “I allow Pallavi to open, access and read my records “ 4) You can email me the above details at 5) when your email is received, you will be sent a link or a UPI ID for payment. 6) Once payment is received, you will hear from me in 3 days. 7) You will be sent a voice note of the reading for your reference and record. 8) Post the reading, you can email me or we can have a face to face Video call for and hour for further clarification if needed on your reading. More than an hour’s session will be chargeable at 1000 INR per half and hour.

7. How will you share my reading with me  ?

I will be sharing the detailed reading in a voice note. You can save that reading in your device for future reference. 

8. Are you offering any discounts ?

There are no discounts for the reading. 

9.What is your cancellation policy ?

If a session is to be cancelled I need at least 24 hours notice of the cancellation. Any less than 24 hours, full fee of the reading request will be charged. If a reading is already done due to free space in my schedule, no refund will be issued. 
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